Glo Internet Data Plans, Subscription Codes And Price

Based on the huge request of data plans code and price from readers and fans, i decide to share all subscription code here. I’m not stopping on Only Glo Internet Data Plan Details, i’ll be touching all network including, MTN, Airtel and Etisalat.
Below are the full details of all Glo Nigeria Internet Data Bundle Plans including prices, data allocations, validity periods and activation codes.

Mobile Phones and Tablets Data Plan

Plan NameAmountData CapValidityCodeSMS to 127Targeted Device
Instant Surf#10020MB24Hours*127*51#51Handset
One week#40065MB7Days*127*51#52Handset
Always Micro#1000350MB30Days*127*53#53Handset
Always Macro#3,0001.5GB30Days*127*54#54Handset/Tablets

Laptops And Notebooks Data Plan

Plan NameAmountData CapValidityCodeSMS to 127Time
Always MAX#8,0008GB30Days*127*1#12All Day
Always MIN#5,0004GB30Days*127*2#11All Day
Always Day#500195MB24Hours*127*3#10All Day
G 300#15,00012GB300Hours
*127*4#21All Day
G 100N6,0004GB100hours
*127*5#20All Day
G work#6,0004GB30Days*127*6#318am – 9pm
G leisure#50004GB30Days*127*7#308pm – 9am everyday + all day during weekend

Routers Data Plans

Plan NameAmountData CapValiditySMSUSSD
**To check data plan send info to 127 or dial *127*0#