GTBank Virtual MasterCard : How To Make and Store It

In this post, I need to impart to you, how to make and reserve GTBank Virtual MasterCard. 

The virtual card was propelled by GTBank Nigeria as of late, as an additional solace for security cognizant online customers who lean toward not to utilize their consistent charge/Visas when making nearby and global installments on the web.

It also serves as a fall back option for customers who have forgotten or lost their card, but need to perform urgent online purchases.

If you've been profiled for GTBank internet banking, you can easily generate your GTB virtual MasterCard from the online banking portal. After creating it, you will be able to see all the details of the card (number, cvv, expiry date, account number) and you will be able to transfer money to the card from other accounts listed on your internet banking dashboard.

How To Create GTBank Virtual MasterCard

==> Go to
==> Click on "Login" and sign in with your internet banking user id and password
==> Click on "Cards" on the left sidebar
==> Click on "Virtual Card Request'
==> Click on "New Request" and follow through the steps.

gtbank virtual debit card mastercard

Once it's successfully created, the details will be listed on the same page. You will be required to enter your token code to view the full details of the card.

How To Transfer Money To GTBank Virtual MasterCard Via Internet Banking

You must fund your GTB Virtual Master Card before you can use it to make online payments.

You can easily do this by making use of the "Own Account Transfer" module via "Account Transfer" but before you can do this, ensure that the virtual card's account number has been listed on your Internet banking dashboard, else you won't be able to fund it.

So, if the GTB virtual debit card's account number is not showing immediately you create it, just chill till it appears. You might have to wait till the next working day though.

NB : Creating the GTBank virtual debit card is not free. Certain amount will be deducted from one of your GTB bank accounts. More so, you can convert the virtual card to a physical card.

Are you using the GTB Virtual card? Feel free to share your experience.

Recommended : How To Register for GTBank Internet Banking